Large Event Drone Detection Services
At large events drones can be a real problem. As the hired drone company for events we often came into the problem of spectators bringing their own drones against the venues rules. This can threaten a venues ability to get permits for the events, can cause problems with insurance policies covering the events, and can cause safety risks for everyone involved. This is why we now offer the capability to bring drone detection hardware to events that we work for.

Document Rogue Drones
Document which drones are sanctioned and insured, and which drones were never supposed to be in the air. This helps with insurance policy compliance.

Deter and
By showing that drone detection is on site, spectators are less likely to try to get away with flying where they're not supposed to be.

Flight safety and awareness
As the company hired to provide drone services at your event, we benefit from knowing if there are hobby drones in the air that may collide with our very expensive professional drones, causing safety hazards for spectators.